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Elizabeth Merrill
Wife Mother Teacher
Digital Learning Experience
Ecosystem Board Games
Standards: I can analyze and interpret data to provide evidence for the effects of resource availability on individual organisms and populations of organisms in an ecosystem. LS2.A.1
Jigsaw Protocol - Students are divided into small groups. Each group becomes experts in a subtopic of the over all standards. then each group will teach the other students about their subtopic.
Ecosystem Board Games
-Students will be provided a list of Ecosystems they can choose from. Their choice of Ecosystem will determine which group they will belong to. By doing this the groups will be heterogeneous ability groups.
-List of Ecosystems:
-Once divided into groups each group member will be assigned a job in the group. This choice is up to the group members. Below is thier choice board. When they click on their choice board it will open a playlist of activities for them to complete.
The students will each have access to choice boards for their research. There is a custom choice board for research for each ecosystem.
Each Student will complete a playlist like the example below. The choice board and the playlists will be on CanvasLMS for students to access. Students will work at their own pace and kept on track by thier group leader. If the group leader has a problem with someone not getting work done the leader will ask the teacher for help.
The playlist expalins to the students that they will use what they have created to teach their teammates about their part of the groups ecosystem. Then as a group they will create a physical board game that allows the players to travel through and learn about all parts of the group ecosystem. After this the entire class will be experts in what an ecosystem is and are the different pieces that make up an ecosystem.
21st Centruy Teaching
1:1 Revolution
Strategic Change
Professinal Development
Technology Rollout
Digital Learning Experience
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