Strategic Plan for Change
Step one: Identify a need for reform within the school.
Our district has invested a lot of money into buying technology. We are a 1:1 district. K-4 grade students each have an Ipad and 6-12th grade students each have a Chromebook. Teachers are provided with a laptop, Ipad, Smartboard, and projector. There are a few extra tech items available to specific teachers such as 3d printers for Innovations (Tech). It is great to have a district that invests in technology that helps keep our teaching practices relevant. The main problem is that we only have one person that manages our PD for Technology. This leads to us not getting training for most of the technology we are expected to utilize on a daily basis. This goes for physical devices and programs. We sometimes get a 15 minute PD that is a general overview that doesn't really teach us how to effectively integrate this new technology into our classrooms. The PD is also directed to every department at once instead of being focused on individual departments. There isn't thought put into the fact that programs that work for Science or ELA might not work for Math. Our district only has one person that is in charge of setting up PD for technology integration. We have over 300 teachers in our district. There is no way for one person to feasibly manage targeted PD for different subgroups at each school in our district.
Step Two: Seek supporters for change.
I think getting information from our only technology integration specialist in the district on her workload would be the best place to start. Next, I would reach out to teachers and ask them before administrators. Teachers have first-hand experience in what they need in their classroom. I think they have the most important input to this conversation. I want to understand how more technology integration PD would benefit them specifically.
Step Three: Create and communicate an action plan for the change effort.
The action plan would first involve collecting data. This would be in the form of a specific survey. This would collect information such as the school building where the teacher works, grade level, subject, and tech integration needs. It will also help identify teachers that are leaders in technology integration that could use their expertise to provide PD to others in their building. This would be the most efficient way to help increase targeted technology integration PD to more teachers. This will all be communicated through email and with a quick message at each school's monthly meetings.
Step Four: Secure the needed resources.
Resources that are needed are the time for our teachers to attend and help provide PD. Our district has a program that pays teachers for extra work outside contract hours. PD that this provided by classroom teachers after contract hours would need to be adopted into this program so teachers can get paid for their extra work.
Step Five: Acknowledge the emotional reaction to change.
Teachers will probably not like the idea of more PD. They will reject any idea of having to learn about something that they already use. It can be hard to change the way you have always approached technology. To avoid this it is important that we get the teachers to 'buy-in' to the need to effectively integrate technology.
Step Six: Anticipate restructuring problems and identify problem solving skills.
There are a couple of probelms that may arise during this new PD of integration technology. There may not be a teacher willing to teach PD for their school on a specific technology. Also, the district could not provide extra pay for PD for technology integration. I think that way to work around this is for teachers to voice their needs for this PD to our District Leaders. I also think it is important to educate the students the teachers about technology integration and why proper integration of technology is a must in every classroom.
Step Seven: Share the Leadership:
This plan will include spreading the workload out to teachers in the buildings they teach. This will be on a voluntary basis so no one feels pressured into extra work. Admin can help support this by allowing teachers to get subs during contract hours to provide and attend this PD.
Step Eight: Anchor the innovation as quickly as possible to classroom practice.
This new innovation is directly associated with classroom practice. It ensures that Admin in our district that we are utilizing the technology tools to their fullest potential. The implementation of teacher/subject-specific technology integration PD will directly impact teachers practice and student learning for the better.
Step Nine: Embed the innovation into organizational practice.
When this is fully implemented, teachers will receive and provide specific PD that they are paid to attend and provide. This will be a priority of the district to ensure that the money spent on technology is not going to waste once it is being used in the classroom. Students will get to experience new ways of learning to help set them up for their future.