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Thoughts and Plans for the Future

Earth - Label
Earth - slice
Earth - Whole
Earth - layers label
Ecosystems- 1
Ecosystem bear
Ecosystem - title
Triangle code 5
Triangle code 4
Traingle Code 1
Traingle code 3
traingle code 2
Whac a mole code2
whac a mole code
flowerflake code
Fish Depth code 1
Pen Big Flower2
Pen Big Flower
Interactive Poster
ch 4
whac a mole
market hotwheel
Interactive Poster
line follower
controller makey
Earths Layers
controller makey part 2
ch 4

         This course has opened my eys to the world of 'Making'. I have always been a crafter. I love to create and make things. I also have always been drawn to technology. This course showed me that technology can be infused with craftieness!  After developing maker projects in this course, I have the knowledge of how to integrate making into my teaching.

        In the near future, I plan to incorporate more making projects into my classroom units. Since we utilize Canvas LMS as as district, I am going to create some programs that will enhance my instructional units for 6th grade science. I will also give my students the opportunities to create program that can help them learn by using Scratch. Since many of them don't have prior knowledge of Scratch, I will put scaffolding in place throughout my canvas units in order for the student to learn how to use Scratch as well as the Makey Makey. 

        My long term goals are to complete my Ed. Specality degree in Edcational Technology and then my Ed.D degree. After at least a decade in the classroom working with students, I would love to move on to a position where I could be a leader in Educational Technology such as an Educational Technology Specailist. After finishing my degrees I would love to develop a blog or social media presence to help influence or teach others how to effectively utilize technology into their classrooms. 


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