For this week I created an activity that utilized Makey Makey and Scratch. Makey Makey is like a small circuit board that can connect to your computer through a USB. Then in Scratch you are able to code to the Makey Makey. With the Makey Makey you can make anything a touch sensor. The Makey Makey advertises using bananas as touch sensors. There are so many possibilities with the Makey Makey.
For my Makey Makey design I decided to make a controller. My supplies included: a baby shoe box. paper, glue, playdough, scissors and some playdough as well as the Makey Makey. So I ended up creating this controller.

The activity I planned is still a work in progress. The idea is that it will teach students about the different ecosystems. The user can use the arrow keys to move the person around and she will talk to the animals. Each animal will give information about the ecosystem that they live in. So far I have only finished the desert section. I hope to finish all the code for the sprites on each ecosystem and then filling it will info about each one. Then creating a small quiz at the end to check for understanding.
Check it out here!