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  • Writer's pictureMrs. Merrill

Creating a Maker Portfolio

My culminating project for this course was to create a Maker Portfolio. This is a website showcasing everything I had created throughout the course. I have used Wix for various college projects over the years so I decided to use Wix for my portfolio. I have used Google Sites with my students at school as well. I chose Wix over Google because I feel it has way more customizability. Google Sites is a great tool for someone who needs something simple such as my students. I personally love altering every aspect of how my website looks and functions. Wix is simply a blank website that can be altered however you wish.

In my maker portfolio, I showcased my Scratch projects, Makey Makey Projects, Voice Thread, Maker Project Proposal and resources that I created in this course. This course has taught me so much about STEAM and making by utilizing Scratch and the Makey Makey together.

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