For this

week, I was able to create an original project using Makey Makey and Scratch again. Since I teach 6th Grade Science, we have a Unit on Geology. With most of our units we get to do elaborate projects or Project Based Learning that gets the students engaged the the lessons. Geology is kind of a tough one for students to get exctied about. It is easy for them to understand tangible parts of it such as rocks, and volcanoes but once we travel to the inside of the Earth they lose all interest. Typically to learn about the layers of the Earth, my students read and have class discussions and present their knowledge in a slide presentation.

This project gets boring and my students don't put forth very much effort. I thought a great way for them to enhance their projects would be to utilize the Makey Makey and Scratch. So I would have them create an interactive poster or diorama instead of a slide presentation. For advanced students, I would allow them to hook up and code the program themselves as well as make a tangible interactive poster. For less advanced students, I could have the makey makey coded for them, and then have them make the poster and research and record the information for each layer. That way they are still learning Geology information.
Here is my finished Layers of the Earth Interactive Poster.
